Light and airy yoga studio located opposite Hackney Central station offering daily yoga classes. London’s first vintage-inspired yoga studio, where retro style meets the modern-day soul.


Get 'Unstuck' this Spring!

With the start of a new month and a new season, we have a couple of new offerings for you all!

In the Chinese calendar the season of Spring is associated with the element of wood and in the body, the liver and gall bladder. They believe that when the Liver energy is out of balance we can feel frustrated, angry, stubborn and stuck!

After the cold months of Winter it's normal to perhaps feel a little bit stiff, but in order to keep your Liver (and those around you) happy it's important to work the body in ways that help you to get unstuck!

It's a brilliant time of year to get out in nature again and observe - buds starting to appear/ animals emerging from hibernation, and we can begin a process of journeying from the quiet, slow Yin of Winter, towards the more energetic excitement of Summers Yang!

The very lovely and talented Stephanie has launched a new Wednesday lunchtime class perfect for this time of year! Her targeted mobility training can increase your range of motion, unlocking tight hips, hamstrings, shoulders and spine. A great class to target your tight spots and enrich your knowledge of anatomy which can make more flowing classes safer and more accessible!

Join Steph every Wednesday 1-1;45, online and in the studio - all abilities welcome.

Our next exciting offering of the season, "Yoga Lab" takes the form of a monthly workshop designed to give you more time and space to deconstruct transitions and poses that are less commonly taught in general level classes.

Starting on Saturday 18th March 2-3:30, these workshops will offer students the opportunity to practice, ask questions, and receive expert/personal guidance in order to deepen your understanding of some of the more complex shapes. From arm balances to inversions, backbends to binds, you name it & Flo will deconstruct it!

Third Saturday of every month £20

Hannah Turner Voakes